Complete Short Collective Leadership Inventory (CLI)

The Collective Leadership Inventory is a unique and comprehensive online assessment instrument that measures the strength of collective leadership across networks.

Full Collective Leadership Inventory Screenshot

In the full version of the CLI, we ask respondents and participants – often members of the same multi-agency partnership – to assess the strength of collective leadership. The aim is to assess collective leadership behaviours that underpin the seven collective leadership values.  The full CLI will only be of value if it is completed as it is meant to be, as a collective.  It has much less value when completed by individuals.  It should be undertaken as part of an organisational or partnership project with a clear aim to assess their collective leadership.  You should contact us if you are interested in undertaking or proposing a collective leadership assessment across such institutions.  It takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete the full CLI if you give each question statement your full attention.  It can then be analysed to give an overall 360-degree assessment of collective leadership.

In this short CLI, we only ask you to assess seven collective leadership value statements and to consider this for your organisation and a chosen partnership.  There is some benefit in completing this as a collective endeavour, although it can be completed by individuals (no more than 5 minutes to complete).

When you are ready, click here to complete the short CLI.  Make sure that you take a screen record of your entries!

The Selfless Leader