The Renewal of Leaderships’ Collective Values and Practice
Understanding the ‘How?’ of Leadership
Having taken account of the reimagination, rethinking and reinvention of leadership, it is now time to consider renewal (of leadership values and practice)..
To renew is to repurpose, renovate and refurbish leadership with the aim of restoring values. At this stage in a reform or change process, it is important to ensure that the existing strengths are not jettisoned without understanding the potential value whilst learning from the lessons of those aspects of leadership that are no longer fit for purpose. We then draw on the best of the present, align this with the potential of future leadership approaches and suggest an integrated and collective leadership style which defines the practice of leadership (in other words, how to lead).
We call on collective leadership values which derive from the collective leadership framework based on New Public Leadership and align this to the How? of leadership.
Joining the Dots

The context of leadership is about people, places and systems.
At the core of what we do as leaders are people. People obviously live in different places and work in different environments. Just as people differ in terms of values, personality and styles of leadership or working, so places differ in terms of their characteristics, environments, and populations. Complex systems will surround both people and places.
The How? of Leadership

Our Leadership Quomodo
Our leadership quomodo takes account of the different contexts, how they interact and how the mechanisms adopted in defining leadership practice consider the cutting-edge of leadership thinking. In our case, this is our integrated style of leadership which takes account of both human-led and systems-led leadership analysis, practice and development. The brief video in the next section explains this further, supported by three five minute nuggets.
The Essence of Collective Behaviours

Leading in the Public Interest
The core of our selfless leadership approach is to lead in the public interest. For leaders to practice in a way that is consistent with the public interest is one factor. But it is wider than this. It concerns having an underlying belief of serving the public good. The public interest is often described as acts that focus on the public’s well-being or, from Aristotle, the common good. This sounds simple enough. The reality is different.

Three 5 Minute Nuggets

Click on each image below to open the E-Learning Nugget
In our session on rethinking leadership you were introduced to the basic components of our three dimensional approach to leadership (Leadership to the Power of 3) This five minute e-learning nugget takes this further.You will explore how the three dimensions are supported by our 5is of integrated leadership from desired ‘Impact’ through to ‘Integrated Leadership’.
In the last section we illustrated how collective leadership values emerged from the dynamic interaction of the contexts of our New Public Leadership Framework. Midway through the previous nugget, we noted that putting people first (PPF) is a critical foundation for taking action, in other words, in building on the relationships with people whilst not ignoring the complexity of systems that surround us. This nugget represents an interesting scenario based on the challenges of public needs at a time of crisis.
Leadership is a value-laden activity. The ultimate value is to lead in the public interest. But, what does that mean and how do we achieve this? These are critical questions that this e-leadership portal weaves throughout the content, examples, and e-learning activities. This initial three minute nugget describes how you can both understand and apply these principles straight away! Are you ready? Get ready to renew your values.
Collective Leadership – Making a Difference Together
Values-based Leadership
Leadership is the property of a community and not that of an individual. Great ideas will emerge from the collective. It is the combination of equally great individual thoughts and actions. It is a form of leadership based on shared values for achieving impact in the public interest, rather than individual leadership based on self-interest. Click here.