New Public Leadership is driven by its ContextsMechanismsOutcomes in influencing change and innovation
Remember, Effective Leadership comprises patterns … we just need to find them
… and this applies just as much to leadership system behaviours
as it does to leader behaviours.
Watch this introductory video which describes the key components of the New Public Leadership Collective Framework (15 minutes)

In supporting a shift towards collective leadership, NPL encourages an approach that has more potential to translate shared values towards relevant and appropriate leadership behaviours. This in turn is more likely to lead to increased trust, confidence and legitimacy. In his book ‘The Selfless Leader’, Stephen Brookes explored whether there has been a false distinction between ‘public leadership’ and ‘non-public’ (or commercially based) leadership.
“Perhaps we should all aspire towards a model of New Public Leadership the key purpose of which is to ‘lead in the public interest’. This would apply whether you are a CEO in the banking industry or the Chief Officer of a public service organisation (PSO). Principles of selfless leadership underpin this purpose.”
The New Public Leadership Model (NPL) has been developed based on extensive research using a realistic evaluation framework. The three key elements of Realistic Evaluation also defines the three elements of the model
- Contexts
- Mechanisms
- Outcomes
Read more about the New Public Leadership (NPL) Framework
Read more about New Public Leadership (NPL)
Leaders emerge from any point within the context of leadership at different levels
Read more about Compass Leadership Limited (Hover on the image below)
Compass Leadership Limited
Read more about Collective Leadership
Collective leaders working together towards a common aim in the public interest