Selfless Leadership2

Selfless Leadership2

  • 0
  • January 25, 2021

Topic Description

Six Intelligent Leadership Questions to describe Selfless Leadership

the WHAT question
The WHAT of selfless leadership is a collective vision.

Selfless Leadership is the central concept of the collective nature of  compass leadership. The explicit theme and style of selfless leadership is that leadership is the property of a community and not that of an individual.


Leadership is purposeful in that defines the vision and how practice aims to achieve the outcomes of the vision

The time for leadership is now!  The only constant in life is change[1] and leadership needs to be forever adaptive to the broader changes that are taking place and impacting on your operating environment.

[1] All is flux, nothing stays still (Heraclitus Greek philosopher)


The modus operandi (the means adopted) identifies and bridges the gap between the vision and the desired outcomes through intelligence-led approaches.

Leadership takes place within networks within the context of complex and adaptive systems.

Includes the importance of individual leadership development and practice but embracing and building this within the collective.

The Selfless Leader