Three Reforming Leadership Nuggets

Introducing the E-Learning Nuggets

These brief e-learning nuggets have been created using e-learning authoring tools with the aim of providing an interesting, easy-to-understand and imaginative technique of introducing you to key learning concepts.  Each lasts no more than five minutes with a total maximum engagement time of 15 minutes.  You can run through each one on a mobile phone in the time that it takes to drink your coffee!




Click on each image below to open the E-Learning Nugget

From Values to Delivery


Joining up the Vision

six people working together

Sharing Responsibility


How do we recognise  a leadership deficit?
The same old things keep happening time and time again … (we seem to keep going around in circles). Whilst it is predictable, the patterns just keep repeating. The senior bosses complain about being overloaded, the shop floor workers or those who deliver the services complain that no one is listening, and they are continually being asked to do the impossible. Middle leaders complain that they are ‘stuck in the middle’ trying to keep the ‘top bosses’ happy as well as their line reports.

Does this sound familiar?

This is what we describe as the leadership deficit syndrome. It is a pattern of inaction, misguided management and poor motivation that happens with alarming regularity. The predictable response to this is one in which we all know things are wrong but where we all assume that it is someone else’s job to put it right. In the meantime, we all wait around waiting for the fixers to fix it and continue to get disheartened, demotivated and disengaged. Ultimately, people leave the team or the organisation and, in their place, comes another person who eventually feels the same.

Click on the Image above for the e-learning Nugget on taking Values and Vision to Delivery

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them”
― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
LINKS360® is presented as a practical process of leadership development. It applies learning to practice at all levels of leadership. But learning is not just about reading the learning resources or listening to presentations in the lecture theatre or virtual sessions. These methods of learning are important, but it is more about learning in practice and testing your knowledge by applying it to real-world problems. As we describe shortly, as a general rule of thumb, only 10% of your learning comes from formal teaching. The majority comes from your experience in collaborative problem-solving. You are looking to find solutions to problems, and the best way of doing this – as Aristotle tells us – is by trial and error.

An Applied Leadership Challenge Space (ALCS) can be either physical or virtual. It is ‘where’ the ‘collective’ leadership comes together to discuss, identify, and respond to leadership challenges. It is where the process of determining how to respond to the challenges takes place through applied leadership sets (ALS). The ALSs are also grounded on the principles of action learning and reflective practice.

Click on the Image above to go to the E-learning Nugget on Applied Leadership Challenges

What is Mutual Accountability?

Accountability helps create ownership and autonomy. It is an enabler of trust amongst the people you work with across your organisation and networks. As we have learnt from the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, working in a remote environment can make it harder to hold yourself, and others, accountable. Developing a sense of mutual accountability is a critical response to this and other leadership deficits and in building the wider trust among other stakeholders and, most notably, the public.

Accountability is so important that it represents the flip side of collective leadership in terms of accountable leadership. Effective application of leadership will rely on both.

How mutual can we be?

First and foremost is the requirement to create a culture of accountability. This is a long-term aim but one that is essential in supporting the institutional core purpose. Once introduced and embodied, it will make life at work easier and support the applied leadership challenge space. In the short term, the responsibility of leaders is to create a climate of accountability. This is shorter term and can be strengthened by mutual accountability.

Click on the image above to (1) explore how your understanding of accountability aligns with what it means and (2) briefly explore how mutual accountability can improve both performance and longer-term organisational and individual learning.

The Selfless Leader