Introducing the E-Learning Nuggets
These brief e-learning nuggets have been created using e-learning authoring tools with the aim of providing an interesting, easy-to-understand and imaginative technique of introducing you to key learning concepts. Each lasts no more than five minutes with a total maximum engagement time of 15 minutes. You can run through each one on a mobile phone in the time that it takes to drink your coffee!

Three 5 Minute Nuggets

Click on each image below to open the E-Learning Nugget
We need to look at the past before we think about the future. We stand on the shoulders of giants but we should also learn the lessons of the past in recreating our future.
In thinking about leadership, are we trying to put new ideas into old thinking patterns? The complexity of leadership in the New World (21st century) needs new ways of thinking.
Having reimagined new ways of leading based on our knowledge of the past, how can we make changes both as individual leaders but also through the collective? Our first step is to reflect and then rethink …