The Influencers and the Givens
It is the leadership mechanisms that will make things happen. In deciding what leadership mechanisms to adopt in achieving your chosen outcomes, it is important to examine the prevailing context in terms of the ‘influencing (contextual) factors’ that you can focus on, but taking account of the ‘givens’ of the external and mediating contextual factors (i.e. those factors that are of concern but in which there is no immediate option to influence change).
First, you may wish to understand more about the ‘Givens’.
You can learn more about the external contexts represented by the Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal and Environmental conditions by engaging with this optional E-learning activity (3o minutes). We use an example from healthcare.
The accompanying activity to the right offers a 15 minutes explanation of how the influencers can impact on the givens. IF YOU WISH TO SKIP THESE ACTIVITIES CLICK HERE
When you have finished the e-activity, continue
When you have finished the e-activity, continue below
The Influencers
In this final topic we consider the interaction between the CMO configurations which lead to the creation of collective leadership values and behaviours which can be assessed in seven combinations, illustrated below.
Each of the seven combinations is described in terms of the leadership behaviour that each contextual dimension seeks to influence and the wider leadership values that describe each such dimension in terms of its leadership outcome. Collective leadership values encompass all elements of the foregoing described research framework. The operational model based on a Compass360 approach provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of collective leadership as well as the outcomes that the vision and mission seek to achieve. This represents the next section of this website.
Each of the seven contextual domains comprises three dimensions of which both the first and the third act as a link with respectively the preceding and the following domains. For example, the first domain (collective vision) comprises ‘purpose’, ‘partnership’ and ‘problem’ – with ‘problem’ acting as the link with the next domain (outcome focus), which comprises ‘problem’, ‘purpose’ and ‘process’, and so this pattern continues.
The leadership narrative starts and ends with purpose. Recall, that purpose is the reason why the organisation or institution exists. The interaction starts with aligning the purpose with a focus on the presenting ‘problem/s’, facilitated by partnership working (see the labels at the top and bottom respectively of the first link for ‘purpose’ and ‘problem’ with partnership acting as the link with the second series of links). This first interaction emphasises the collective nature of behaviours in which people working together respond to wicked (or adaptive) problems. The Collective Leadership Value in this case is that of ‘Collective Vision’ and helps in identifying the adaptive leadership challenge.
Have a look at the following links in which you will see similar interaction patterns and the result of this interaction in each description. There is an optional 15 minute E-learning nugget at the end if you wish to consider this further.
This final 15 minute activity allows you to briefly explore the patterns that emerge from the dynamics that take place between the Internal (Influencing) Contexts. Click to launch this activity and then interact with the activity to see a demonstration of the patterns that occur and how the collective leadership values and behaviours emerge. This values and behaviours can be measured across organisations and networks. The values and behaviours are included within the Compass360 which will be explored in some detail in the next section of this portal.
You have now reached the end of this Section. You can click the button below to progress to the next section which focused on collective leadership, the Compass360 Operational Model and the Collective Leadership Inventory (CLI). If you quit now you can return to this next section later from the main menu.
Hover over each of the links to see which page it links to