Leadership Quomodo

Leadership Quomodo

Topic Description

the literal translation of ‘Quomodo’ is “the manner or way (of doing something).”[1]  Originating from Latin, it is one of eight types of circumstance or intention that catholic moral theology looks to in assessing if the substance leading to an act is moral. 

The eight circumstances or intentions also provide the foundation for six intelligent leadership questions.  For the purposes of the three most important of these questions, my Leadership Quomodo asks:

Cur quomodoque ducere possumus, quo fine?®

Why and how can we lead, to what end?

It is thus about the motivation for leading (why?), the intended outcome of the leadership (what end?) and, importantly, how will we lead? 

The remaining circumstances and intentions help in providing the foundation for all six intelligent leadership questions. We can consider this in relation to authentic and selfless leadership:

1.The “Quis”, the person who has realized the act (who);

2.The “Quibus auxiliis”, the means used (with what);

3. The “Quid”, the act that the person has made (the what);

4. The “Ubi”, the place where the person has made the act (where);

5. The”Quando”, the time when the person has made the act (when);

6. The “Quomodo”, the manner which the person has made the act (how);

7. The “Cur”, the motives that have motivated the person to perform the act (why);

8. The “Circa quid”, the matter (material) on which the person has acted; (on what)

[1] https://www.thefreedictionary.com/quomodo, accessed 24 March 2019.

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The Selfless Leader