The Allure of Toxic Leadership: Real or Imagined?
It is an interesting question to ask whether Silverback Gorilla characteristics are evident in all leaders. Another good question to...
It’s the Economy, Stupid, but which Economy?
Responding to an uncertain future by re-emphasising a Social Economy I remember the phrase reflected in this this title well. In...
A 2024 Manifesto on Crime and Justice: A series of thoughts on the future potential for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in Crime and Justice: PART ONE
Part 1 – 1829 - This is where it all started … " It should be understood at the outset that...
Mastering Crisis: The Fast and Slow Approach when Under Pressure
This post focuses on the work of Fink and Kahneman. The objective is to explore how bias can affect the...
Guiding Leaders: Purposeful Wisdom in Action
Purposeful Wisdom in Action Standing on the Shoulders of Aristotle In the constantly changing environment of modern organisations, defining a clear purpose,...
The Ignominious disgrace of public leadership in the UK Post Office
Reflecting on the lessons of why some seemingly excellent institutions' leaders turn evil The recent ITV series "Mr Bates vs the...
Exploring Applied Leadership Challenge Spaces
Why do we need a Leadership Space? I have often stood on the shoulders of Giants in developing both my thinking...
I had been musing about why it was so difficult to “do” collective leadership when its benefits were so evident....
Adaptability and Split Second Decisions
Adaptability and Split-Second Decision Making The purpose of my Sunday roast is to provide “Relevant, Objective Analyses of Strategic and Tactical...
Bouncebackability encapsulates Adaptability, Flexibility and Resilience perfectly!
Failure can often be the seed for subsequent success. I will never forget the description given by Iain Dowie...