Portfolio Large

Precessional Effect

Buckminster Fuller introduced the concept of precession in the context of design and systems thinking. His idea of "precessional effect" is closely related to the indirect and unexpected outcomes that occur as a result of a system's activities. Fuller coined the term to explain the unintended consequences or secondary effects...

Quality Management and Institutional Development

Quality management and institutional development are crucial areas in organizations that focus on continuous improvement, efficiency, and effectiveness. Competencies and relevant knowledge and experience contribute to effective quality management and institutional development. Developing and enhancing these competencies within an organization can lead to improved performance, customer satisfaction, and overall organizational success.

Project Management in Teams

Leading work teams in project management requires specific competencies to guide and manage the team towards project success effectively. Competencies, experience, and continuous learning contribute to effective project leadership and successful team outcomes. Developing and refining these competencies can enhance a project manager's ability to lead and manage work teams...

Empowering and Delegating

Empowering and delegating competencies is a management approach that involves giving employees the authority, autonomy, and responsibility to make decisions and take ownership of their work. It is a key aspect of effective leadership and can lead to increased employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. Remember that empowering and delegating competencies...


Effective communication competencies are essential for leaders and individuals in any role to convey information, ideas, and messages clearly and with impact. These competencies enable effective collaboration, relationship building, and the achievement of goals. Developing and honing effective communication competencies takes practice, self-awareness, and ongoing learning. By investing in these competencies,...

Leading through Values

Leading through values refers to the leadership approach that emphasizes the importance of core values in guiding decision-making, inspiring others, and creating a positive organizational culture. It involves aligning personal values with the organization's values and consistently demonstrating them in actions and behaviors. By cultivating value-based competencies, leaders can effectively lead...

Management of development work

The management of development work requires a combination of technical and interpersonal competencies to effectively plan, coordinate, and execute projects. It's important to note that the specific competencies required may vary depending on the nature of the development work, such as community development, international development, sustainable development, or specific sector-focused...

Leadership Influence

Leadership influence competencies refer to the skills, traits, and behaviors that enable leaders to effectively influence and motivate others towards a shared goal or vision. These competencies are crucial for leaders to inspire and guide their teams, drive organizational success, and create a positive impact on individuals and the broader...

The Selfless Leader